LATTC – Los Angeles Trade Tech College



Avsar’s Role

General Contractor


Los Angeles, CA

About This Project


Waterproofing and Drainage Upgrades Project (151,000 Sq. Ft.)

The project involved waterproofing the B1 rooftop and north ramp areas, including drainage upgrades across approximately 151,000 square feet. Additionally, sealant joints throughout the parking deck were replaced, and water damage in specified interior rooms was addressed to enhance structural integrity and longevity.


Campuswide Elevator Modernization for CBC & ADA Compliance

The project involved replacing noncompliant car controls, elevator signage, emergency communication systems, and signals across existing building elevators to ensure full compliance with current CBC and ADA requirements.


Roofing Replacement – Laurel Gymnasium and Athletics Buildings (15,000 Sq. Ft.)

The project involved the removal and replacement of the roofing system for the Laurel Gymnasium and Athletics buildings, covering approximately 15,000 square feet, to enhance durability and weather protection.


Air Compressor and Pump Replacement

The project involved the removal and replacement of the existing air compressor, along with the installation of new pumps to improve system efficiency and performance.